Thought of the day
"We reevaluate our old ideas so we can become acquainted
with the new ideas that lead to a new way of life."
Learning to live a new way of life can be difficult. Sometimes, when the going gets especially hard, we're tempted to follow the path of least resistance and live by our old ideas again. We forget that our old ideas were killing us. To live a new way of life, we need to open our minds to new ideas.
Working the steps, attending meetings, sharing with others, trusting a sponsor--these suggestions may meet our resistance, even our rebellion. The program requires effort, but each step in the program brings us closer to becoming the kinds of people we truly want to be. We want to change, to grow, to become something more than we are today. To do that, we open our minds, try on the new ideas we've found in NA, and learn to live a new way of life.
Committment for the Day
There is much to be grateful for in my life.
I will open my mind to new ideas and learn to live my life in a new way.
One Day At A Time