Thought of the day
"Enforced morality lacks the power that comes to us when we choose to live a spiritual life."
Freedom to choose comes back to us when we stop drinking and drugging.
In our active addiction, many of us lived our lives by default.
We were unwilling or unable to make choices about how we wanted to act,
what we preferred to do, or even where we would live.
We allowed alcohol, drugs or other people to make our most basic decisions for us.
Freedom from active addiction means, among other things,
the freedom to make those choices for ourselves.
Freedom of choice is a wonderful gift, but it's also a great responsibility.
Choice allows us to find out who we are and what we believe in.
This leads some of us to seek out someone who will make our choices for us--our sponsor,
our home group, our Cobbler friends--just as our disease made our choices for
us when we were using. That's not recovery.
Seeking others' experience is one thing; abdicating personal responsibility is something else.
If we don't use the gift of freedom we've been given, if we refuse to accept the responsibilities that go along with it, we'll lose that gift and our lives will be diminished.
We are responsible for our own recovery and our own choices.
Difficult as it may seem; we must make those choices for ourselves
and become willing to accept the consequences.
Committment for the Day
I am grateful for the freedom to live as I choose.
Today, I will accept responsibility for my recovery,
make my own choices, and accept the consequences.
One Day At A Time